Why is my account type not supported?

If you sign-up and get an error message saying your account type is not supported the most common cause is you are trying to sign-up using an Outlook.com account and not a Microsoft 365 Business Subscription Account (aka Office365 Business Premium) account. MailMerge365 currently only supports Microsoft 365 Business Subscription (and most Enterprise level) accounts. Microsoft 365 Home, Family or Personal 

When you sign-up for MailMerge365 you may be prompted if you want to use your personal account or your company/organisational account. In this case choose company/organisational account (which is your Microsoft 365) account and you will be able to use MailMerge365.

You can troubleshoot this by using an incognito or private browser window and going to https://mailmerge365.com and logging in there. In the Microsoft login type in your company email address (not your personal @outlook.com email address).

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